Last comments - Sandra Nyanchoka |
Sandra Nyanchoka8150 views02/10/09 at 03:39november_eight: i don't like her hair style. the style on her ...
Sandra Nyanchoka3267 viewsFor: Exodus #502/10/09 at 03:36november_eight: sounds 'chocolate'..yum!!
Sandra Nyanchoka1412 views02/10/09 at 03:35november_eight: she looks like kelle cycle 3
Sandra Nyanchoka1489 views02/08/09 at 23:27curdledsauce: ^Now, Sandra's brother.
Edit: I thought so,...
Sandra Nyanchoka1334 views02/08/09 at 21:52OSHUN-: she doesnt need this show. shes already a model
Sandra Nyanchoka2682 viewsPhoto: Dotun02/08/09 at 21:05powelshy: i think she is beautiful (:
Sandra Nyanchoka2021 viewsPhoto: Brady Photography02/08/09 at 15:28SexyBlackGuy2009: l love this shot, but anyone can do this..
Sandra Nyanchoka1334 views02/08/09 at 15:27SexyBlackGuy2009: Love the movement of the body. The face is ok, tho...
Sandra Nyanchoka1489 views02/08/09 at 15:25SexyBlackGuy2009: Hi, l am Sandra's Brother..l do not know why l...
Sandra Nyanchoka1460 views02/08/09 at 15:22SexyBlackGuy2009: Lord, what a smile........
Sandra Nyanchoka1285 views02/08/09 at 15:21SexyBlackGuy2009: Ugh, l hate her face in this one...
Sandra Nyanchoka2331 viewsPhoto: Dotun02/08/09 at 15:20SexyBlackGuy2009: Very Pretty. ls this an indication that she is the...
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