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Home > Cycle 12 > Sandra Nyanchoka

Last comments - Sandra Nyanchoka
Sandra Nyanchoka6061 viewsPhoto: Fadil Berisha77 comments03/16/09 at 11:48Costaricafashion: Anyone can hide behind a tree but what a model wou...
Sandra Nyanchoka5591 views74 comments03/14/09 at 22:56Dustin: LOL. This may sound stupid, but I just found out t...
Sandra Nyanchoka5591 views74 comments03/14/09 at 22:38starburst.: Should've gone bald. It's not that bad, th...
Sandra Nyanchoka5591 views74 comments03/14/09 at 22:10sporkoon: why the dennis rodman hair?! Crying or Very sad her skin does...
Sandra Nyanchoka1684 views3 comments03/14/09 at 21:53sporkoon: ^oh how i wish that were the case Sad
Sandra Nyanchoka6423 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker63 comments03/14/09 at 16:39jon63: I actually like this picture!
Sandra Nyanchoka5591 views74 comments03/14/09 at 15:58Who_Will_Be_ANTM: worst makeover shot of the cycle
Sandra Nyanchoka6423 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker63 comments03/14/09 at 04:17curdledsauce: ^She has much more potential than Nnenna.
Sandra Nyanchoka6423 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker63 comments03/14/09 at 04:12Piacere: Ugh, stop keeping the b**** here for the drama eff...
Sandra Nyanchoka6423 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker63 comments03/14/09 at 03:44sionmaisley: If she focussed on herself her attitude and what s...
Sandra Nyanchoka5591 views74 comments03/13/09 at 23:25sparkle: So how did she get past the first elimination?
Sandra Nyanchoka6423 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker63 comments03/13/09 at 22:48zib: I actually love her face here. She looks like a va...
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