Last comments - Sandra Nyanchoka |
Sandra Nyanchoka1101 viewsFor: Coca-Cola10/13/09 at 21:19Vini: Bhartle, we can be sure because only an african kw...
Sandra Nyanchoka1101 viewsFor: Coca-Cola10/13/09 at 21:12j5s2s095: This is so cute
Sandra Nyanchoka1101 viewsFor: Coca-Cola10/13/09 at 21:08bhartle: How are we supposed to be sure this is Sandra?
Sandra Nyanchoka1101 viewsFor: Coca-Cola10/13/09 at 20:56Antm.Chocolate: So cute.
Sandra Nyanchoka1101 viewsFor: Coca-Cola10/13/09 at 20:50topmodel6: aww little sandra
Sandra Nyanchoka1101 viewsFor: Coca-Cola10/13/09 at 20:41LaceyVibe: Omg, gaw-desk Chibi-Sandra! <3
Working that ...
Sandra Nyanchoka1101 viewsFor: Coca-Cola10/13/09 at 20:41TaiOfMine: Supposedly 9-year-old Sandra?
Sandra Nyanchoka8258 viewsPhoto: Keith Major10/06/09 at 00:33ChandlerBing: Someone splattered jizz all over his/her/its face....
Sandra Nyanchoka955 viewsPhoto: Francesca Andre10/05/09 at 19:37artemis12589: liv tyler and sandra
Sandra Nyanchoka8258 viewsPhoto: Keith Major09/30/09 at 01:29Halley.Hacci: I actually dont mind this
Sandra Nyanchoka956 viewsPhoto: Francesca Andre09/26/09 at 19:57david18: I don't blame them. That's awesome, eddie.
Sandra Nyanchoka1847 views09/24/09 at 09:56icypiece: She reminds me a little of Kelle here
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