Last comments - Sandra Nyanchoka |
Sandra Nyanchoka1460 views02/02/09 at 16:18Who_Will_Be_ANTM: nice smile, she reminds me of fatima here
Sandra Nyanchoka1460 views02/02/09 at 16:13IceyCouture: her smile.
Sandra Nyanchoka2371 views02/02/09 at 15:26Who_Will_Be_ANTM: I hate that everyone loves this but they hate Naim...
Sandra Nyanchoka2331 viewsPhoto: Dotun02/02/09 at 15:22Who_Will_Be_ANTM: for: MetroStyle. She's the winner!
Sandra Nyanchoka2496 views02/02/09 at 15:06Who_Will_Be_ANTM: WOW! I haven't seen this. I didn't like he...
Sandra Nyanchoka2682 viewsPhoto: Dotun02/02/09 at 15:00LaLoLu: She unfortunatly looks too old here
Sandra Nyanchoka1277 views02/02/09 at 14:51LaLoLu: Is that a bad whitney ham impression ? Or dionne ?
Sandra Nyanchoka1489 views02/02/09 at 14:50LaLoLu: ^ She doesn't nescesarilly have a good face, b...
Sandra Nyanchoka2021 viewsPhoto: Brady Photography02/02/09 at 14:49LaLoLu: This shot is very like Katarzyna, cause of the hai...
Sandra Nyanchoka2371 views02/02/09 at 14:48LaLoLu: No neck yet very fierce
Sandra Nyanchoka1907 views02/02/09 at 14:48LaLoLu: She's got bigger lips then Eugena
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