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Home > Cycle 11 > Isis King

Last comments - Isis King
Isis King9097 views42 comments11/11/08 at 13:08Shelly: I love her hand! Nothing else though
Isis King12947 views142 comments11/11/08 at 13:07Shelly: From this shot I can't event tell that she is ...
Isis King10860 viewsPhoto: Russell James70 comments11/10/08 at 19:31Katarzyna-Jenah: ^agreed. I never saw a model... shame cause the wh...
Isis King5700 viewsPhoto: D.Austin Photography36 comments11/10/08 at 17:18Michelle&AmandaBabin: AMAZING!
Isis King5700 viewsPhoto: D.Austin Photography36 comments11/10/08 at 17:11aero847: It's pretty, except I wish she had shown more ...
Isis King9239 viewsPhoto: Andrew McLeod
For: US Weekly, September 15, 2008
37 comments11/10/08 at 08:24Warhol4Life: Why does her head look way toooooo big for her bod...
Isis King5700 viewsPhoto: D.Austin Photography36 comments11/10/08 at 07:24joshual90: Sec-Z Santana, i was thinking the same thing!!
Isis King5700 viewsPhoto: D.Austin Photography36 comments11/10/08 at 03:24theo_rodriguez: I agree with y'all about the hands but overall...
Isis King5700 viewsPhoto: D.Austin Photography36 comments11/10/08 at 00:37artiifiiciial: i love IISSIIS!!!! but yees... the hands are soooo...
Isis King5700 viewsPhoto: D.Austin Photography36 comments11/10/08 at 00:30Inspired: like the pose ... but the face isnt feminine enoug...
Isis King5700 viewsPhoto: D.Austin Photography36 comments11/09/08 at 23:30JQ: Sorry, but I see Dennis Rodman in the face Embarrassed
Isis King5700 viewsPhoto: D.Austin Photography36 comments11/09/08 at 22:31hoorayforlobsters: not crazy about the hands, but i looooove the face
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