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Home > Cycle 11 > Isis King

Last comments - Isis King
Isis King2617 viewsPhoto: 40 Three Studios14 comments06/10/09 at 17:21LaLoLu: She is the perfect Scarecrow.
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography49 comments06/10/09 at 17:21LaLoLu: Was this the pose she did at the posing challenge?...
Isis King2048 viewsPhoto: 40 Three Studios10 comments06/10/09 at 17:20LaLoLu: She looks like she's having an invisible cell ...
Isis King2472 viewsPhoto: 40 Three Studios15 comments06/10/09 at 17:20david18: There's nothing fashionable appealing about Is...
Isis King2048 viewsPhoto: 40 Three Studios10 comments06/10/09 at 17:19david18: The dress is beautiful, but the face is so old-loo...
Isis King2472 viewsPhoto: 40 Three Studios15 comments06/10/09 at 17:19LaLoLu: The hair is almost like a poodle. There's abso...
Isis King2617 viewsPhoto: 40 Three Studios14 comments06/10/09 at 17:19david18: Meh. The pose is too much.
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography49 comments06/10/09 at 17:18david18: I believe the proper word to describe the feeling ...
Isis King10146 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker67 comments05/29/09 at 22:39Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: This shot is a disaster, but I don't think she...
Isis King10860 viewsPhoto: Russell James70 comments05/29/09 at 22:38Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: It's not the best, but it's extremely pret...
Isis King9097 views42 comments05/29/09 at 22:36Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: Wow, she's gorgeous. This looks like an ad.
Isis King9480 viewsPhoto: Michael Ruiz58 comments05/29/09 at 22:35Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: The face is serene and gorgeous, but very sleepy w...
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