Last comments - Isis King |
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography06/15/09 at 20:16david18: So Isis needs to threaten clients lives to get rea...
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography06/15/09 at 19:16Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: ^^If Karl Lagerfeld were being held at gunpoint an...
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography06/15/09 at 05:49longtimefan: I think this is pretty, and I think I'd take I...
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography06/15/09 at 05:37david18: ^^Along with being TALL. Not 5'7, like Isis. H...
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography06/14/09 at 23:39: Random: Isis's head is incredibly... small :sh...
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography06/14/09 at 23:20Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: ^Being razor thin, having narrow hips, great skin ...
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography06/14/09 at 23:08david18: High fashion doth not live on cheekbones alone.
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography06/14/09 at 22:16Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: ^Not with those cheekbones, Tahlia=Better Homes &a...
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography06/14/09 at 21:20david18: Isis is about as editorial as Better Homes and Gar...
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography06/14/09 at 18:15Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: ^Right, I just said that...we can both give our op...
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography06/14/09 at 18:14: ^I never told you to agree. I'm just giving my...
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography06/14/09 at 18:13Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: ^This is an argument that is not going to come to ...
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