Last comments - Isis King |
Isis King2048 viewsPhoto: 40 Three Studios07/01/09 at 09:26sparkle: How much does she weigh? Shes skinny as hell!!!
Isis King2617 viewsPhoto: 40 Three Studios07/01/09 at 09:25sparkle: When i saw this----- AKWARD!!!!
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography07/01/09 at 09:24sparkle: ^She looks like more of a horny intertainer, but i...
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography06/17/09 at 03:13david18: Jaslene, though, is 5'8. And she has a face ma...
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography06/17/09 at 02:55kuroyuki: "stubby legs is the mark of the fos"...L...
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography06/17/09 at 01:29Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: ^True, but Jaslene has short legs and a long torso...
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography06/16/09 at 23:49david18: Elina toning her body is much more probable than I...
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography06/16/09 at 22:46Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: ^Models also have waists, which Elina didn't h...
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography06/16/09 at 21:38david18: Fashion models do not have stubby legs and long to...
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography06/16/09 at 19:25Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: ^^Really? Tahlia who looks 28 on a good day, has t...
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography06/16/09 at 19:23tflats: This pose, while a little disturbing, is great but...
Isis King2604 viewsPhoto: SunArcher Photography06/16/09 at 05:43: I'd take Tahlia over Isis. Tahlia has a nice f...
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