Last comments - Elyse Sewell |
Elyse Sewell9143 views08/24/09 at 11:34iLoveKatarzyna: i like her shirt, lol.
Elyse Sewell1022 viewsPhoto: Andy Julia
For: Fanny Liautard08/24/09 at 00:09NYCmalemodel: Looks like it could be in Vogue. I agree, hauntin...
Elyse Sewell1023 viewsPhoto: Jeff Wu
For: Jessica08/22/09 at 12:48antmchocholate: I think any girl can do commercial.Even Elyse.Tyra...
Elyse Sewell1927 viewsPhoto: Wa
For: Tea Magazine08/22/09 at 12:44antmchocholate: I luv the make-up
HATE the lashes D:
Elyse Sewell10690 viewsPhoto: Douglas Bizarro08/22/09 at 12:43antmchocholate: I love it cause I would never think she wud be thi...
Elyse Sewell1306 viewsPhoto: Valerio D'Urso08/22/09 at 12:41antmchocholate: Your right.
Elyse Sewell1009 viewsPhoto: Justin Monroe08/22/09 at 12:39antmchocholate: WTF o.o this is a weird shot definetly
Elyse Sewell1545 views08/22/09 at 12:37antmchocholate: If only Saliesha was this feirce D:
Elyse Sewell13220 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks08/22/09 at 05:33longtimefan: I actually like the angle.
Elyse Sewell1375 viewsPhoto: Justin Chan
For: Hong Kong Magazine08/20/09 at 23:41Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: Her description of this shot is hilarious. The pho...
Elyse Sewell1375 viewsPhoto: Justin Chan
For: Hong Kong Magazine08/20/09 at 20:33Mycatjewel: Yeah she still has recent stuff.
Elyse Sewell1375 viewsPhoto: Justin Chan
For: Hong Kong Magazine08/20/09 at 19:58david18: 2007 to be exact. Although I don't see why tha...
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