Last comments - Elyse Sewell |
Elyse Sewell1014 viewsFor: Chow Sang Sang Jewelry09/02/09 at 01:21egogo816: In response to Lilgina 12....Fashion is obsessed w...
Elyse Sewell1375 viewsPhoto: Justin Chan
For: Hong Kong Magazine09/01/09 at 18:29DSLs: Scandelous!
Elyse Sewell14146 viewsPhoto: Michel Haddi09/01/09 at 17:03gabbygabz987: eww she looks like a 12 year old boy in makeup and...
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward09/01/09 at 16:46mckey123: One Word : OVERRATED
Elyse Sewell1070 viewsPhoto: Andy Julia
For: Fanny Liautard09/01/09 at 07:12j5s2s095: Bitch, you better work
Elyse Sewell917 viewsPhoto: Almond Chu
For: Blanc de Chine's Dao Collection, 200608/30/09 at 21:41j5s2s095: She is making the dress look fantastic, I love it
Elyse Sewell1273 views08/30/09 at 13:05aero847: I thought it was Jade in the thumbnail and I am al...
Elyse Sewell877 viewsPhoto: Billy Kan
For: Talkies Magazine, September 200508/28/09 at 22:02j5s2s095: Passion!
Elyse Sewell1014 viewsFor: Chow Sang Sang Jewelry08/28/09 at 00:55longtimefan: I know, it's always a pleasure to read. She...
Elyse Sewell1014 viewsFor: Chow Sang Sang Jewelry08/28/09 at 00:42david18: She could be taking a break from LJ. She's don...
Elyse Sewell1014 viewsFor: Chow Sang Sang Jewelry08/28/09 at 00:35shamoo8mydad: Does anyone know what's happened to her? like ...
Elyse Sewell1014 viewsFor: Chow Sang Sang Jewelry08/27/09 at 21:32vanillalatte4: ya..she kinda looks mature, but great still.
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