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Home > Cycle 1 > Elyse Sewell

Last comments - Elyse Sewell
Elyse Sewell800 viewsFor: Fendi8 comments09/28/09 at 16:44McKat: Fendi...WOW
Elyse Sewell800 viewsFor: Fendi8 comments09/28/09 at 13:26FrozenKong: she always work in HK
Elyse Sewell803 viewsFor: Fendi6 comments09/28/09 at 13:25kamluasley: models in hk are not very well paid...
Elyse Sewell800 viewsFor: Fendi8 comments09/28/09 at 12:35david18: By what? Hair?
Elyse Sewell800 viewsFor: Fendi8 comments09/28/09 at 10:53Spiderwebs95: Am I the only one who thinks Elyse looks like Rob ...
Elyse Sewell1304 viewsFor: Esquire Hong Kong3 comments09/28/09 at 09:16j5s2s095: The pose is exactly Lola's jumping shot
Elyse Sewell875 viewsFor: Fendi7 comments09/28/09 at 05:49Jarield: I love these
Elyse Sewell736 viewsFor: Fendi1 comments09/28/09 at 04:56kitten: love her expression
Elyse Sewell803 viewsFor: Fendi6 comments09/28/09 at 04:37longtimefan: Man, Elyse must be raking in the cash!
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments09/27/09 at 23:51youllseemeontv: This is a classic. And it's not overrated. It&...
Elyse Sewell803 viewsFor: Fendi6 comments09/27/09 at 23:35david18: She's SO Shalom Harlow. Beautiful.
Elyse Sewell800 viewsFor: Fendi8 comments09/27/09 at 23:34david18: I'm pretty sure it's for one of those Appl...
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