Last comments - Elyse Sewell |
Elyse Sewell1126 views03/06/10 at 09:17nexttopwaddle: captured the sentiment amazingly. great model
Elyse Sewell629 viewsFor: Private i Salon03/06/10 at 01:35aero847: 3rd one from the right. 2nd from left. She is gorg...
Elyse Sewell1008 views03/06/10 at 01:34aero847: Elyse could pass as 20 to date.
Elyse Sewell848 viewsFor: Chanel03/04/10 at 14:18sefryling: ^ agreed! her neck looks so long and swan-like he...
Elyse Sewell1692 viewsFor: Prive Asia Magazine
Photo: Baldovino Barani03/02/10 at 02:33leanne: still amuses me to remember what she said about us...
Elyse Sewell532 viewsFor: Logitech03/01/10 at 12:14asheth90: THIS IS AWESOME
Elyse Sewell1911 viewsPhoto: Gianni Altana02/28/10 at 20:45lilgina12: im getting a bit of a kata vibe in these shots.
Elyse Sewell13221 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks02/28/10 at 11:59bobbobachoo1: I hate to say it, but she was the worst here. Even...
Elyse Sewell16828 viewsPhoto: Patrick Katzman02/28/10 at 11:56bobbobachoo1: I think this is the 2nd best picture of the cycle ...
Elyse Sewell14147 viewsPhoto: Michel Haddi02/28/10 at 11:54bobbobachoo1: It's so shy and timid. Ugh she was such a disa...
Elyse Sewell13410 viewsPhoto: Daniel Garriga02/28/10 at 11:53bobbobachoo1: ^ I wouldn't go that far, but it's not gre...
Elyse Sewell572 viewsFor: Harper's Bazaar Hong Kong, July 200402/28/10 at 10:38j5s2s095: This is incredible.
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