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Home > Cycle 1 > Elyse Sewell

Last comments - Elyse Sewell
Elyse Sewell13406 viewsPhoto: Daniel Garriga66 comments10/08/08 at 19:59Katarzyna-Jenah: perfect. this is an add for sure. great. But Gisel...
Elyse Sewell29199 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments10/08/08 at 19:58Katarzyna-Jenah: 7th best in ANTM history. This is perfection perso...
Elyse Sewell10709 viewsPhoto: Barry Hollywood37 comments10/08/08 at 19:56Katarzyna-Jenah: This is one of the best of the bunch. Its one of t...
Elyse Sewell9141 views51 comments10/08/08 at 19:55Katarzyna-Jenah: ALL HAIL QUEEN ELYSE!!!!!!!! Should've won
Elyse Sewell10689 viewsPhoto: Douglas Bizarro41 comments10/08/08 at 19:54Katarzyna-Jenah: one of the best of the bunch.
Elyse Sewell853 viewsPhoto: Estelle Hanania
For: Provider Magazine
14 comments10/06/08 at 22:04zib: Go back to bed.
Elyse Sewell14144 viewsPhoto: Michel Haddi107 comments10/05/08 at 17:05f1erce.: vomits Embarrassed elyse looks confused, and what the ...
Elyse Sewell16825 viewsPhoto: Patrick Katzman54 comments10/05/08 at 17:05: excellent, but not close as good as Adrianne's
Elyse Sewell29199 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments10/05/08 at 17:04f1erce.: well maybe a little overrated.. Confused
Elyse Sewell29199 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments10/05/08 at 17:01: Best of the week, 2nd best of the cycle and wud pe...
Elyse Sewell13218 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks62 comments10/05/08 at 10:56Michelle&AmandaBabin: @Who_Will_Be_ANTM, she always looked like a boy IM...
Elyse Sewell13218 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks62 comments10/05/08 at 10:50Ben: i love this photo. she looks like kiera knightly
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