Last comments - Elyse Sewell |
Elyse Sewell9142 views12/21/08 at 10:46yenegonrocks: That outfit is hideous. TBH, I never thought Elyse...
Elyse Sewell9142 views12/21/08 at 09:36lighter2darker: something wrong david18?
Elyse Sewell1750 viewsFor: Prive Asia Magazine
Photo: Baldovino Barani12/21/08 at 00:21hoorayforlobsters: this is like a still from a movie, elyse is incred...
Elyse Sewell1922 viewsFor: Prive Asia Magazine
Photo: Baldovino Barani12/21/08 at 00:20hoorayforlobsters: wow. this is absolutely stunning. those legs go on...
Elyse Sewell2227 viewsFor: Prive Asia Magazine
Photo: Baldovino Barani12/20/08 at 18:58Jesse_Dillon: ^ lol bahahaha.
Elyse Sewell2227 viewsFor: Prive Asia Magazine
Photo: Baldovino Barani12/20/08 at 18:50david18: she looks like joanie like nicole cycle 5 looks li...
Elyse Sewell2227 viewsFor: Prive Asia Magazine
Photo: Baldovino Barani12/20/08 at 18:46PaleHeart: I dont see the comparison as well. Its like Apples...
Elyse Sewell2227 viewsFor: Prive Asia Magazine
Photo: Baldovino Barani12/20/08 at 18:26david18: yeah. just saying.
Elyse Sewell2227 viewsFor: Prive Asia Magazine
Photo: Baldovino Barani12/20/08 at 18:25Jesse_Dillon: Im not the one that compared her to Joanie
Elyse Sewell2227 viewsFor: Prive Asia Magazine
Photo: Baldovino Barani12/20/08 at 18:24david18: i absolutely don't understand how people can m...
Elyse Sewell2227 viewsFor: Prive Asia Magazine
Photo: Baldovino Barani12/20/08 at 18:22Jesse_Dillon: ^ That picture freaks me outttt. And i was just...
Elyse Sewell2227 viewsFor: Prive Asia Magazine
Photo: Baldovino Barani12/20/08 at 18:20david18: jesse, it's supposed to express the time perio...
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