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Home > Cycle 1 > Elyse Sewell

Last comments - Elyse Sewell
Elyse Sewell632 views2 comments01/25/09 at 19:24Who_Will_Be_ANTM: a zero? no way!
Elyse Sewell1528 viewsPhoto: Simon Cheung
For: Jessica Code, October 2005
2 comments01/25/09 at 19:23Who_Will_Be_ANTM: creepy but good. doesn't look like her
Elyse Sewell928 viewsFor: Chow Sang Sang Jewelry8 comments01/25/09 at 19:22Who_Will_Be_ANTM: she looks amazing with any hair
Elyse Sewell1545 views6 comments01/25/09 at 19:17Who_Will_Be_ANTM: "La belleza es un Enigma" Very Happy
Elyse Sewell768 views2 comments01/25/09 at 19:15Who_Will_Be_ANTM: "La belleza es el esplendor de la verdad"...
Elyse Sewell13407 viewsPhoto: Daniel Garriga66 comments01/25/09 at 15:10starburst.: LOL Is she humping him? Not a firece hump, but clo...
Elyse Sewell1862 viewsPhoto: John Lander3 comments01/24/09 at 07:57LaLoLu: She looks a little old here.
Elyse Sewell380 viewsPhoto: Basil Childers
For: Oregon Bride
1 comments01/23/09 at 17:00SAPPHiiRE.xo: wth.
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments01/21/09 at 21:49CiaranSkye: I love it. It's so stark and bare. Her eyes ...
Elyse Sewell10690 viewsPhoto: Douglas Bizarro41 comments01/21/09 at 21:31CiaranSkye: She's naturally skinny. She did a great job f...
Elyse Sewell4791 viewsPhoto: Barry Hollywood
For: Stuff
10 comments01/21/09 at 21:22CiaranSkye: She looks great in this pic Laughing
Elyse Sewell773 viewsFor: Chanel3 comments01/20/09 at 00:42cheezcake555: very subtle and chic, i like it. and for chanel......
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