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Home > Cycle 1 > Elyse Sewell

Last comments - Elyse Sewell
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments01/29/09 at 17:51RunFiercely: I bet she'd overhear a thinner girl say "...
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments01/29/09 at 17:49david18: "I'll have 3 big macs, 2 large orders of ...
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments01/29/09 at 17:46RunFiercely: Let's play a game. What do you think Whitney o...
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments01/29/09 at 17:44david18: How about rolling? LOL. I can imagine it, and it i...
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments01/29/09 at 17:39RunFiercely: Oh yeah. She can't run. Oh well, just imagine ...
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments01/29/09 at 17:37david18: Running? whitney? Gasp!
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments01/29/09 at 17:34RunFiercely: I think the only person on the street who would mi...
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments01/29/09 at 17:08david18: I don't think anyone on the street who saw Ely...
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments01/29/09 at 17:02Michelle&AmandaBabin: *Mad at you for being mad at me* Laughing
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments01/29/09 at 17:00david18: *Still mad*
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments01/29/09 at 17:00Michelle&AmandaBabin: @David, I didn't mean that in a bad way. I, fo...
Elyse Sewell14145 viewsPhoto: Michel Haddi107 comments01/29/09 at 16:59CATnipss: her worst.
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