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Last comments - Elyse Sewell
Elyse Sewell1858 viewsFor: Prive Asia Magazine
Photo: Baldovino Barani
8 comments02/03/09 at 10:10curdledsauce: Enjoying a whiff from an incense burner.
Elyse Sewell2227 viewsFor: Prive Asia Magazine
Photo: Baldovino Barani
33 comments02/03/09 at 10:06curdledsauce: She looks like she's adjusting her neck joints...
Elyse Sewell1922 viewsFor: Prive Asia Magazine
Photo: Baldovino Barani
16 comments02/02/09 at 08:47david18: Lol. Master bathing.
Elyse Sewell1922 viewsFor: Prive Asia Magazine
Photo: Baldovino Barani
16 comments02/02/09 at 07:58curdledsauce: She looks like master bathing while pulling the tr...
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments01/31/09 at 16:23kandykaine: yeah she would have looked beautiful naturally Very Happy
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments01/29/09 at 23:41Michelle&AmandaBabin: Elyse obviously doesn't need the make-up, thou...
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments01/29/09 at 23:30Jesse_Dillon: Hmmmm interesting lol
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments01/29/09 at 23:27david18: Supermodels don't need 15 pounds of make-up to...
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments01/29/09 at 23:03Jesse_Dillon: Change of subject, why was elyse not givin all the...
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments01/29/09 at 22:57Michelle&AmandaBabin: I know. I just felt the need to explain myself xp
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments01/29/09 at 22:53david18: Um, my comment was directed at jesse.
Elyse Sewell29200 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments01/29/09 at 22:43Michelle&AmandaBabin: @David, I'm not questioning that either. Its j...
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