Last comments - Elyse Sewell |
Elyse Sewell1042 views03/31/09 at 13:30RationThePoor: Or they told her to try inserting her shoulders in...
Elyse Sewell755 viewsFor: Yes Style03/31/09 at 03:53david18: Anything cycle 1 is hush-hush around Tyra.
Elyse Sewell755 viewsFor: Yes Style03/31/09 at 03:07Who_Will_Be_ANTM: Wow, she keeps getting more and more work! Why has...
Elyse Sewell2229 views03/31/09 at 03:05Who_Will_Be_ANTM: I love how in the thumb it looks like a movement p...
Elyse Sewell2229 views03/30/09 at 14:28love, taji: stunning.
Elyse Sewell2229 views03/30/09 at 11:08sparkle: Perfect lighting
Elyse Sewell518 viewsFor: D Donna03/29/09 at 23:37topmodel6: welcome to the 60s!
Elyse Sewell248 viewsFor: Yes Style03/29/09 at 21:17KittyKatKat: lol. i love how innocent she looks
Elyse Sewell1109 views03/27/09 at 22:06Michelle&AmandaBabin: omg wtf is going on with her eyes here?! ...
Elyse Sewell1109 views03/27/09 at 22:00sparkle: This looks like the wizard of oz
Elyse Sewell2838 viewsFor: Prive Asia Magazine
Photo: Baldovino Barani03/27/09 at 10:22: LOVE!
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