Last comments - Mercedes Scelba-Shorte |
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte7968 viewsPhoto: Richard Dean05/01/09 at 16:22: Meh. I think she could've been in the b3 with ...
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte7697 viewsPhoto: Ché Graham05/01/09 at 16:21: ICK! This shot screams "eliminate me" ...
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte12580 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker05/01/09 at 16:20: Amazing. Thank goodness she delivered this in the ...
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte215 viewsFor: Rachel Pally04/27/09 at 16:03cheezcake555: oh god help her!!!
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte14888 viewsPhoto: Massimo Costoli04/27/09 at 11:52Costaricafashion: Because life's not fare
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte160 viewsFor: Rachel Pally04/25/09 at 14:51SAPPHiiRE.xo: Omg Tahlia has a secret baby!!
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte14888 viewsPhoto: Massimo Costoli04/25/09 at 01:10Who_Will_Be_ANTM: This is High fashion and stuff and I love this but...
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte657 viewsPhoto: Juvenia Photography04/18/09 at 15:47topmodel6: shes a little sexy here ;p;
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte1727 viewsFor: Wedding Dresses, Spring/Summer 200504/10/09 at 18:57shorteh04: I love her! She is just so beautiful! and i just l...
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte9605 viewsPhoto: Massimo Costoli04/06/09 at 17:25Michelle&AmandaBabin: I don't think she has the face for this kind o...
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte14888 viewsPhoto: Massimo Costoli04/06/09 at 16:30Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: Absolutely beautiful and effortless, it's fing...
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte9605 viewsPhoto: Massimo Costoli04/06/09 at 16:21Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: I actually love the face and I think the dress loo...
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