Last comments - Mercedes Scelba-Shorte |
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte9094 viewsPhoto: Bill Heuberger11/18/11 at 10:24Steacy<3: Beautiful!!!!!!!
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte7854 viewsPhoto: George Holz11/18/11 at 10:24Steacy<3: She could have done better in this photo but i sti...
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte9943 viewsPhoto: Andrew Eccles11/18/11 at 10:23Steacy<3: I think this is amazing, and she looks so great!!
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte7968 viewsPhoto: Richard Dean11/18/11 at 10:23Steacy<3: I like this photo, but its not one of the best by ...
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte7697 viewsPhoto: Ché Graham11/18/11 at 10:22Steacy<3: I love this photo, i think its really well!
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte12580 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker11/18/11 at 10:21Steacy<3: I think this is an amazing photo!!!
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte2867 views11/18/11 at 10:20Steacy<3: She deffently had potiental at the start!
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte14888 viewsPhoto: Massimo Costoli08/15/11 at 22:09Majestic: This picture looks amazing. It's so sharp, he...
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte1745 viewsFor: Wedding Dresses, Spring/Summer 200508/06/11 at 07:03NikkySan: Mercedes, exotic? Please...
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte14888 viewsPhoto: Massimo Costoli08/01/11 at 21:48NikkySan: ^ Agreed!
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte14888 viewsPhoto: Massimo Costoli08/01/11 at 12:47Aerial: No, it's a great picture but it isn't an...
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte9605 viewsPhoto: Massimo Costoli08/01/11 at 12:46Aerial: She made it all look commercial. If it wasn't...
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