Last comments - Jenascia Chakos |
Jenascia Chakos9177 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker01/10/10 at 02:56ANTMguy: the shot isnt bad although the bow looks like a pe...
Jenascia Chakos2110 viewsPhoto: Jhon Catano-Betancur
For: DList Magazine, 200912/21/09 at 07:34antmktgkd: avant garde!
Jenascia Chakos6587 viewsPhoto: Richard Dean12/21/09 at 07:33antmktgkd: hot
Jenascia Chakos9177 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker12/21/09 at 07:30antmktgkd: wait, did tiffany get inspired by this photo at he...
Jenascia Chakos1949 views12/21/09 at 07:29antmktgkd: she's saying "marry me please, steadman g...
Jenascia Chakos7321 viewsPhoto: Andrew Eccles12/21/09 at 03:23ASKD: her face is SO tense and stiff. this photo is just...
Jenascia Chakos1721 viewsPhoto: Jean-Marcus Strole
For: DList Magazine, February 200912/17/09 at 22:3112shadesofpurple: ^^^What? How?
Jenascia Chakos1721 viewsPhoto: Jean-Marcus Strole
For: DList Magazine, February 200912/17/09 at 22:11j5s2s095: ^^ In what way?
Jenascia Chakos1721 viewsPhoto: Jean-Marcus Strole
For: DList Magazine, February 200912/17/09 at 22:00Soren: ^ Very untrue.
Jenascia Chakos1291 viewsPhoto: Greg Cunningham12/16/09 at 21:09fairflanks: I find her boring to look at.
Jenascia Chakos1901 views12/16/09 at 21:08fairflanks: She reminds me facially of Peta Wilson
Jenascia Chakos1091 viewsPhoto: Greg Cunningham12/16/09 at 21:08fairflanks: Her head is like the length of her thighs. She ju...
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