Last comments - Tatiana Dante |
Tatiana Dante4946 viewsPhoto: Mathu Anderson11/17/08 at 14:39woolmander: I kinda like it, I kinda dont..
Tatiana Dante6318 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne11/17/08 at 14:37woolmander: Her pose is so strong!
Tatiana Dante6021 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt11/17/08 at 14:36woolmander: the normal picture is okay, but the close up is am...
Tatiana Dante4702 views11/17/08 at 14:35woolmander: i quite liked this. her makeover is definatly an i...
Tatiana Dante4360 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker11/17/08 at 14:34woolmander: Definatly in the weaker half
Tatiana Dante6021 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt11/09/08 at 15:55themilkshakeman: that white dog has amaznig eyes
Tatiana Dante1195 viewsPhoto: Art of Women11/08/08 at 11:52mrbam: sensational!
Tatiana Dante2466 viewsPhoto: John Hildebrand
For: Save the Bay 2008 Calendar11/08/08 at 11:52redsoxrule794: omg she really does look like anya!! haha
Tatiana Dante1195 viewsPhoto: Art of Women11/08/08 at 11:51redsoxrule794: gorgeous
Tatiana Dante1271 views11/08/08 at 08:14mrbam: ^I agree very Paulina like! Gorgeous!!!
Tatiana Dante1271 views11/07/08 at 21:07longtimefan: Very Paulina Poriskova.
Tatiana Dante6461 viewsPhoto: Johann Wolf11/02/08 at 20:32shyho: this one kicked keenyahs ass the only reason tatia...
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