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Home > Cycle 4 > Tatiana Dante

Last comments - Tatiana Dante
Tatiana Dante4702 views33 comments04/27/12 at 23:20antmgenuine: GORGEOUS!!!!
Tatiana Dante4360 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker28 comments04/27/12 at 23:19antmgenuine: it's okay.
Tatiana Dante1058 viewsPhoto: Gabbeli Photography
For: People Magazine’s Celebrity Baby Blog
10 comments04/04/12 at 08:21seagoat: Aloha who's ma babie's daddy ? Embarrassed
Tatiana Dante1058 viewsPhoto: Gabbeli Photography
For: People Magazine’s Celebrity Baby Blog
10 comments03/30/12 at 11:48dpbenson: @Bradley: Yes, this is Tatian from Cycle 4. It...
Tatiana Dante1058 viewsPhoto: Gabbeli Photography
For: People Magazine’s Celebrity Baby Blog
10 comments03/30/12 at 07:25bradley: is this not tatiana from cycle 4 ??????????????? :...
Tatiana Dante805 viewsFor: Metro International NY, June 20051 comments03/22/12 at 05:06NikkySan: That was... interesting. Confused
Tatiana Dante6461 viewsPhoto: Johann Wolf39 comments08/07/11 at 20:09Aerial: Very amateur.
Tatiana Dante5183 viewsPhoto: Kwaku Alston47 comments08/07/11 at 20:08Aerial: She looks like a perv and the guy is telling her t...
Tatiana Dante4946 viewsPhoto: Mathu Anderson30 comments08/07/11 at 20:08Aerial: Not liking how she was working with the tire and t...
Tatiana Dante4635 viewsPhoto: Delaney & Gitte29 comments08/07/11 at 20:07Aerial: She looks very fake.
Tatiana Dante6318 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne29 comments08/07/11 at 19:55Aerial: I love it, so synchronized.
Tatiana Dante6021 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt41 comments08/07/11 at 19:54Aerial: Pretty shot because she's resting on pretty.
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