Last comments - Tatiana Dante |
Tatiana Dante6461 viewsPhoto: Johann Wolf06/09/09 at 11:28LisaTheDiva: ^you're right.
Tatiana Dante6021 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt06/08/09 at 20:17endiebaybie91: idont think she was goin for fierce her face is re...
Tatiana Dante4946 viewsPhoto: Mathu Anderson06/08/09 at 16:47: Michelle looks REALLY scary here
Tatiana Dante5183 viewsPhoto: Kwaku Alston06/08/09 at 16:41nosh: ^The full picture, believe it or not, looks much b...
Tatiana Dante4946 viewsPhoto: Mathu Anderson06/08/09 at 16:39nosh: ^Yes, Michelle was very strange here. One of the b...
Tatiana Dante4635 viewsPhoto: Delaney & Gitte06/08/09 at 16:39nosh: lol@sam'sboyfriend. I must say though, I like ...
Tatiana Dante6318 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne06/08/09 at 16:38nosh: Very amatur, and even though I do like the pose, h...
Tatiana Dante6021 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt06/08/09 at 16:36nosh: I don't know. I think the face is coming acros...
Tatiana Dante4702 views06/08/09 at 16:35nosh: ^Her skin tone looks better in the other version. ...
Tatiana Dante4360 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker06/08/09 at 16:33nosh: I'm not sure about the pose, but the face clos...
Tatiana Dante5183 viewsPhoto: Kwaku Alston06/07/09 at 07:53j5s2s095: HQ:
Tatiana Dante5183 viewsPhoto: Kwaku Alston06/07/09 at 00:40longtimefan: I think this is really cute. I never noticed the &...
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