Last comments - Naima Mora |
Naima Mora9495 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt07/29/08 at 17:02Jhg812: The face is a little too fierce. Otherwise, it'...
Naima Mora9339 views07/29/08 at 17:01Jhg812: Great makeover.
Naima Mora9267 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker07/29/08 at 17:01Jhg812: 2nd best of the week behind Kahlen's.
Naima Mora2233 viewsFor: Jewel, October 200607/27/08 at 17:14Sophie: Stunning. Very chic. She needs long hair, it reall...
Naima Mora2233 viewsFor: Jewel, October 200607/27/08 at 12:51dude02: love the legs!
Naima Mora12501 viewsPhoto: Anton Robert07/23/08 at 09:27louisacnd: I feel like the body is a tad amateur and the face...
Naima Mora11502 views07/21/08 at 22:00trixxie: better than saleisha
Naima Mora1371 views07/21/08 at 16:35louisacnd: Very college, I can imangine a friend of hers goin...
Naima Mora1424 viewsFor: KAS Collection/Saks Fifth Avenue07/19/08 at 23:43zachattack22293: model showing everyone off!
Naima Mora10196 viewsPhoto: Kwaku Alston07/19/08 at 20:40wilsond: Nole Marin was right, she does look like Dracula.
Naima Mora12501 viewsPhoto: Anton Robert07/19/08 at 20:40wilsond: Awful.
Naima Mora13810 viewsPhoto: Johann Wolf07/18/08 at 11:28Killian: It's a beautiful photo, but I see Keira Knight...
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