Last comments - Michelle Deighton |
Michelle Deighton6398 viewsPhoto: Mathu Anderson08/07/11 at 18:58Aerial: Better facial expression and it would be an A+.
Michelle Deighton6488 viewsPhoto: Delaney & Gitte08/07/11 at 18:57Aerial: Hmm, I know it's a doll and it's even ha...
Michelle Deighton12265 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne08/07/11 at 18:55Aerial: It has to be the most graceful picture ever.
Michelle Deighton8120 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt08/07/11 at 18:54Aerial: Gorgeous but she made the flowers look like crap.
Michelle Deighton5412 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker08/07/11 at 18:53Aerial: Her body is stunning but face is blank.
Michelle Deighton1534 viewsFor: ElateWear05/16/11 at 00:45puppetmasters21: I would have cropped it below the left arm.
Michelle Deighton1333 viewsPhoto: Bobby Carlsen05/10/11 at 17:26kuroyuki: fantastic skin, but... O_o
Michelle Deighton789 viewsPhoto: Bobby Carlsen05/10/11 at 17:25kuroyuki: oh dear...
Michelle Deighton963 viewsFor: WWE Tough Enough04/01/11 at 00:05darcy: looks really old!!!
Michelle Deighton12265 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne03/28/11 at 12:40tiktikflash: So proud that i'm Aquarius! =')
Michelle Deighton845 views03/23/11 at 20:06wishingstar180: Too much make up
Michelle Deighton963 viewsFor: WWE Tough Enough03/23/11 at 01:16majorielover: I KNEW IT WAS HER! i was waiting for law and order...
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