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Home > Cycle 4 > Michelle Deighton

Last comments - Michelle Deighton
Michelle Deighton5412 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker23 comments09/15/09 at 16:32NRS1: Amazing! She looks so simple but fierce! Very Happy
Michelle Deighton3333 views10 comments09/15/09 at 16:31NRS1: She was great before and after her makeover Smile !
Michelle Deighton3757 views13 comments09/15/09 at 16:31NRS1: Work it! 5th favorite contestant EVER! Smile
Michelle Deighton10603 viewsPhoto: Gerda Genis84 comments09/14/09 at 08:40kiddpurple: HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT PIX
Michelle Deighton1685 viewsPhoto: Zarrin Henna19 comments09/13/09 at 09:03amylia_morasca: vintage edgy classic with strong (...)
Michelle Deighton1423 viewsFor: ElateWear4 comments09/13/09 at 08:52.mannequin.: sorry but she looks like whitney here
Michelle Deighton1165 viewsPhoto: Zarrin Henna3 comments09/13/09 at 03:07puppetmasters21: what do you mean "nice, for Michelle?!" ...
Michelle Deighton10603 viewsPhoto: Gerda Genis84 comments09/13/09 at 03:06puppetmasters21: absolute best of the whole cycle. how does one por...
Michelle Deighton12266 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne89 comments09/13/09 at 03:03puppetmasters21: best of the week, easily. yet another first callou...
Michelle Deighton8359 viewsPhoto: Kwaku Alston55 comments09/11/09 at 19:35puppetmasters21: Absolutely best of the week, with Brittany a close...
Michelle Deighton970 views8 comments09/11/09 at 04:54danm96: Michelle, this photos are scaring me!
Michelle Deighton8359 viewsPhoto: Kwaku Alston55 comments09/05/09 at 19:23harmony112: IMO this deserved FCO or SCO.
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