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Last comments - Cycle 7
Megan Morris4670 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne55 comments05/08/08 at 01:51Heartbeat_Rock: I WILL NOT TOLERATE MEGG HATE!!! Mad LOL JK Wink I...
Eugena Washington13177 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker136 comments05/08/08 at 01:47Heartbeat_Rock: this is her best picture. Shame about the rest of ...
Brooke Miller7391 viewsPhoto: Charlie Altuna50 comments05/07/08 at 20:16mrbam: Fierce fashion model pounding the catwalk!
Amanda Babin9311 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne45 comments05/07/08 at 17:25chan_man: I like it, but i think her sister did better.
Brooke Miller7736 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith37 comments05/07/08 at 15:59Jaylen: Even with that really strong make-up she doesn'...
Eugena Washington13177 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker136 comments05/07/08 at 15:29epitomeofcool: How About one of the top 10 Surprised
A.J. Stewart6301 views21 comments05/07/08 at 13:59JaxRivera: 2.8? This picture is wayyyy better than that. AJ i...
Megan Morris4670 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne55 comments05/07/08 at 10:47ineedamodelchick: yeah its messed up that she got eliminated because...
Megan Morris4670 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne55 comments05/07/08 at 10:16Jaylen: She didn't deserve to be eliminated because of...
Jaeda Young4922 viewsPhoto: Patrik Giardino44 comments05/07/08 at 09:46vanillalatte4: i'm appaleed she made it this far..
Eugena Washington8391 viewsPhoto: Jim DeYonker99 comments05/07/08 at 09:46vanillalatte4: correction!! it tooke her way too long to even giv...
Eugena Washington13177 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker136 comments05/07/08 at 09:45vanillalatte4: i love this pic of her..
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