Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Allison Kuehn2119 views11 comments04/19/08 at 14:53Sophie: That is not very good for how much experience she ...
Allison Kuehn1310 views9 comments04/19/08 at 14:50Sophie: I think her problem is that she doesn't know h...
Allison Kuehn10089 viewsPhoto: George Holz86 comments04/19/08 at 14:47Sophie: This shot would be a homerun if only there was a l...
Allison Kuehn8260 views46 comments04/19/08 at 14:42Sophie: I think that is the perfect color for her skintone...
Aimee Wright11719 viewsPhoto: Russell James115 comments04/19/08 at 14:40Sophie: I think she looks gorgeous, but I agree with the a...
Aimee Wright14340 viewsPhoto: George Holz93 comments04/19/08 at 14:37Sophie: Drop. Dead. Gorgeous. Hands down one of the best o...
Aimee Wright11726 views36 comments04/19/08 at 14:36Sophie: I think it would have looked alot more high fashio...
Aimee Wright14340 viewsPhoto: George Holz93 comments04/19/08 at 13:21thermopolis: LOVE this shot! Smile
Aimee Wright14533 viewsPhoto: Peter Buckingham111 comments04/19/08 at 13:21thermopolis: I can't beleive that she was eliminated AND th...
Chantal Jones5108 viewsPhoto: Dominic Petruzzi
For: BL!SSS, April 2008
5 comments04/19/08 at 13:17duckiies: Great!
Claire Unabia6532 viewsPhoto: Russell James66 comments04/19/08 at 13:12Inspired: ^agree, it seems easy. i mean how do you portray c...
Cycle Ten Group13156 viewsLauren Utter, Stacy Ann Fequiere, Whitney Thompson, Anya Kop, Dominique Reighard, Katarzyna Dolinska207 comments04/19/08 at 13:06Garysgonnasay: I feel like if Fatima participated in this shot, s...
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