Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Jaslene Gonzalez9370 views79 comments04/22/08 at 16:35ineedamodelchick: theres a HATER post directly above ^^^ mine!
Jaslene Gonzalez13435 viewsPhoto: Michael Omm63 comments04/22/08 at 15:51ineedamodelchick: even with the hair in the face...she shines throug...
Jaslene Gonzalez12481 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal40 comments04/22/08 at 15:47ineedamodelchick: drop dead gorgeous! Laughing
Saleisha Stowers13104 viewsPhoto: Lionel Deluy169 comments04/22/08 at 15:45ineedamodelchick: and is it necessary to say that you hate her after...
Saleisha Stowers9364 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal96 comments04/22/08 at 15:44ineedamodelchick: what kind of person can have this much hate ^^^ fo...
Jaslene Gonzalez10836 viewsPhoto: Richard Reinsdorf53 comments04/22/08 at 15:42ineedamodelchick: shows that jaslene is a true model!!! great pic fo...
Amis Jenkins7830 viewsPhoto: George Holz57 comments04/22/08 at 13:51Catherine_Thomas: "Little bunny Foo-foo hoppin' down the fo...
Amis Jenkins8210 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana68 comments04/22/08 at 13:49Catherine_Thomas: I would have by no means said that this was the wo...
Saleisha Stowers8346 views70 comments04/22/08 at 12:28Laguna044: No
Jaslene Gonzalez9370 views79 comments04/22/08 at 12:20Laguna044: Two Drag Queens embracing one another.
Anya Kop4658 viewsPhoto: Russell Tanoue13 comments04/22/08 at 12:00jeslene_i_love_you: this is the BEST shot ever! from here you can see ...
Anya Kop10259 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker15 comments04/22/08 at 11:59jeslene_i_love_you: here hair should be like that all the time!
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