Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Bianca Golden6488 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith55 comments04/24/08 at 06:53Epochalypse: I love the extension of the leg, but this photo sh...
Bianca Golden5727 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal41 comments04/24/08 at 06:52Epochalypse: She looks very uncomfortable, the mirror image is ...
Bianca Golden3778 views23 comments04/24/08 at 06:51Epochalypse: The eyes are dead, but you could see there was pot...
Ambreal Williams5632 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana63 comments04/24/08 at 06:49Epochalypse: I love how she managed to capture the light on her...
Ambreal Williams6372 viewsPhoto: Fredric Reshew59 comments04/24/08 at 06:48Epochalypse: This photo, and the whole shoot in general, was te...
Ambreal Williams5511 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal43 comments04/24/08 at 06:47Epochalypse: Despite mass opinion I really like this photo, she...
Ambreal Williams6209 viewsPhoto: Lionel Deluy35 comments04/24/08 at 06:45Epochalypse: Easily Ambreal's best shot from the show, she&...
Ambreal Williams4282 views20 comments04/24/08 at 06:44Epochalypse: Those swimsuits were god awful. This photo looks V...
Ambreal Williams5960 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith33 comments04/24/08 at 06:41Epochalypse: The pose is fantastic, I just wish she had a littl...
Ambreal Williams5754 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal42 comments04/24/08 at 06:40Epochalypse: Whilst normally a straight back looks good, she ju...
Ambreal Williams3451 views20 comments04/24/08 at 06:39Epochalypse: She looks a bit mannish in this picture, and those...
Cycle Ten Group13156 viewsLauren Utter, Stacy Ann Fequiere, Whitney Thompson, Anya Kop, Dominique Reighard, Katarzyna Dolinska207 comments04/24/08 at 05:03dani: Told you guys.. It was Lauren that was sent home. ...
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