Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Brittany Hatch7778 views26 comments04/24/08 at 16:43Sophie: I agree. It's a gorgeous color for her eyes as...
Brittany Hatch9925 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker40 comments04/24/08 at 16:42Sophie: Stunning. She was by far the best model in the bun...
Bianca Golden5527 views39 comments04/24/08 at 15:34Epochalypse: I know but a professional wouldn't let that af...
Bianca Golden5199 views28 comments04/24/08 at 15:29Jaylen: the wigs looks fugly on her, she looks SO much bet...
Bianca Golden2690 viewsPhoto: Derek Blanks12 comments04/24/08 at 15:27Jaylen: Hott.
Ambreal Williams734 viewsPhoto: Lenka Ulrichova6 comments04/24/08 at 15:27Jaylen: Her lips are too huge...
Whitney Thompson18757 viewsFor: Jacksonville, March 200659 comments04/24/08 at 15:23Jaylen: this is Whitney? how much did she weight here, 90?
Lauren Utter11687 viewsPhoto: Russell James100 comments04/24/08 at 15:19Jaylen: Hmm, I like it. she's bringing a sort of Madon...
Ebony Morgan7811 viewsPhoto: Fredric Reshew76 comments04/24/08 at 15:16ineedamodelchick: yeah she wasn't stupid!..she was honest!.. the...
Whitney Thompson15602 viewsPhoto: Peter Buckingham144 comments04/24/08 at 15:14Jaylen: Ugly...
Whitney Thompson17542 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal157 comments04/24/08 at 15:14Jaylen: She looks HUGE & round...
Allison Kuehn10089 viewsPhoto: George Holz86 comments04/24/08 at 15:13Jaylen: This looks so amatuer...
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