Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Felicia Provost1385 viewsFor: Borris J. Powell Designs, 20074 comments04/25/08 at 21:36andro101: Yah she does look old and she doesn't look lik...
Jaslene Gonzalez1826 viewsPhoto: Victoria Will
For: New York Post Tempo, June 2007
5 comments04/25/08 at 21:30mrbam: Great!She looks so much like Janice Dickinson here...
Jaslene Gonzalez899 views3 comments04/25/08 at 20:20ineedamodelchick: these are old pics...before the show I believe!
Jaslene Gonzalez597 views1 comments04/25/08 at 20:17ineedamodelchick: i love jaslene!!
Lisa Jackson2983 viewsFor: Carmen Marco Valvo Couture4 comments04/25/08 at 19:42Sophie: That dress is absolutely gorgeous...along with the...
Bianca Golden4025 viewsPhoto: Michael William-Paul
For: Style Bermuda
19 comments04/25/08 at 19:41Sophie: Sleepy eyes...
Jaslene Gonzalez1826 viewsPhoto: Victoria Will
For: New York Post Tempo, June 2007
5 comments04/25/08 at 19:39Sophie: Now that's gorgeous!
Jaslene Gonzalez899 views3 comments04/25/08 at 19:38Sophie: I do not understand why all of these shots are so....
Jaslene Gonzalez985 views6 comments04/25/08 at 19:37Sophie: Not her strong point.
Jaslene Gonzalez908 views6 comments04/25/08 at 19:36Sophie: Totally drag.
Jaslene Gonzalez2991 viewsPhoto: Mizz Photo76 comments04/25/08 at 19:35Sophie: These are absolutely horrible. This isn't fash...
Jaslene Gonzalez1796 viewsPhoto: Mizz Photo10 comments04/25/08 at 19:31Sophie: She sure is itty-bitty...
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