Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Kathleen DuJour4856 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker40 comments04/28/08 at 15:57Epochalypse: It's such a shame, she seemed like a complete ...
Kathleen DuJour2972 views16 comments04/28/08 at 15:56Epochalypse: I never understood why they chose Kathleen, to me,...
Jaslene Gonzalez1504 views15 comments04/28/08 at 14:52ineedamodelchick: very amateur.. she came a long way.. so happy for ...
Dionne Walters1619 views13 comments04/28/08 at 14:49ineedamodelchick: too much make-up for my taste..
Jaslene Gonzalez2991 viewsPhoto: Mizz Photo76 comments04/28/08 at 14:41ineedamodelchick: maybe it could be an ad for the gloves! lol.. just...
Ambreal Williams6372 viewsPhoto: Fredric Reshew59 comments04/28/08 at 14:33steagle: smiling with your eyes is light years better then ...
Jaslene Gonzalez1419 viewsPhoto: Itaysha Jordan12 comments04/28/08 at 14:25ineedamodelchick: skinny...and still fierce!
Dominique Reighard2715 views6 comments04/28/08 at 14:15ineedamodelchick: lol... i konw what the wop is.. but mainly from my...
Ambreal Williams6372 viewsPhoto: Fredric Reshew59 comments04/28/08 at 14:12ineedamodelchick: i think this pic is OK.. i mean, Tyra wants everyb...
Ambreal Williams6372 viewsPhoto: Fredric Reshew59 comments04/28/08 at 13:01uncanny: She had one of the best sets and costumes, but she...
Renee Alway4643 views4 comments04/28/08 at 12:56Inspired: she really looks ugly here ... that doesn't ev...
Claire Unabia1658 views2 comments04/28/08 at 12:52Inspired: she really should re-dye her hair to a solid color...
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