Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Marvita Washington4803 views43 comments04/29/08 at 12:02Inspired: her body is fantastic! i still think they should&#...
Marvita Washington4803 views43 comments04/29/08 at 11:26ineedamodelchick: i agree..she's stunning.. i just wish she coul...
Jaslene Gonzalez11662 viewsPhoto: Kane Skennar40 comments04/29/08 at 11:11ineedamodelchick: she gave other faces during the shoot.. its not he...
Natasha Galkina11041 viewsPhoto: Kane Skennar57 comments04/29/08 at 11:07ineedamodelchick: she should have gone home after this picture, the ...
Natasha Galkina11041 viewsPhoto: Kane Skennar57 comments04/29/08 at 10:30Inspired: guys, her face is a total mess ... how can it be g...
Aimee Wright14534 viewsPhoto: Peter Buckingham111 comments04/29/08 at 10:25Inspired: ^agreed hands_down. there is something tense about...
Chantal Jones12726 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker59 comments04/29/08 at 10:19Inspired: have you seen Chantal's close-up on this photo...
Sarah VonderHaar4181 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker24 comments04/29/08 at 10:14Inspired: that's her problem ... she's always "...
Sarah VonderHaar3197 views20 comments04/29/08 at 10:12Inspired: i like everything esp. the boots ... she really lo...
Sarah VonderHaar5444 viewsPhoto: Kareem Black46 comments04/29/08 at 10:04Epochalypse: Moe? Are you kidding me? Anyways, these shot's...
Sarah VonderHaar4446 viewsPhoto: Richard Reinsdorf30 comments04/29/08 at 10:02Epochalypse: She does look like a guy in this shot, so well don...
Sarah VonderHaar5982 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal44 comments04/29/08 at 10:01Epochalypse: I don't really like the make-up here, it's...
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