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Whitney Thompson17542 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal04/29/08 at 18:26davetb: love this shot
Dominique Reighard7635 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal04/29/08 at 18:24davetb: And dominique, what was it you were portraying? &q...
Saleisha Stowers9636 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith04/29/08 at 18:23Asquared: ew. how is this good. she isn't even climbing....
Allison Kuehn4080 views04/29/08 at 18:22davetb: vacuum packed Allison
Saleisha Stowers8365 views04/29/08 at 18:22Asquared: ugly hore
Saleisha Stowers13104 viewsPhoto: Lionel Deluy04/29/08 at 18:22Asquared: LOL. this picture is so sad. my dog can take a bet...
Saleisha Stowers9364 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal04/29/08 at 18:21Asquared: r u kidding me? this is one of worst pictures in a...
Samantha Francis1135 viewsFor: ME04/29/08 at 18:21davetb: A one legged corpse fired through a glitter factor...
Sarah VonderHaar5982 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal04/29/08 at 17:09frostbite: I actually think she looks dead. Like, dead dead....
Whitney Thompson11032 viewsPhoto: Tiger Studios
For: Jacksonville, October 200504/29/08 at 16:55ineedamodelchick: she must have gained a lot of weight since these.....
Brittany Hatch10440 viewsPhoto: Kareem Black04/29/08 at 16:03ineedamodelchick: yeah the shoot is good... the hair is "trash ...
Lisa Jackson6946 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana04/29/08 at 14:46ineedamodelchick: i agree.. have no idea why she was in the bottom 2...
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