Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Jenah Doucette13088 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker64 comments04/30/08 at 13:09Inspired: ^agree ... u know at times Tyra gets so predictabl...
Renee Alway13004 viewsPhoto: Kane Skennar61 comments04/30/08 at 13:00Inspired: that was the time she stopped talking smack and st...
Ebony Morgan7268 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith47 comments04/30/08 at 12:32ineedamodelchick: love this pic as well.. i just wish they would hav...
Natasha Galkina8069 views37 comments04/30/08 at 12:03ineedamodelchick: yeah they give the girls make-overs, and really on...
Bianca Golden6366 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana57 comments04/30/08 at 10:34jon63: It's extremely bad, why was she called first??...
Bianca Golden7522 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal38 comments04/30/08 at 10:33jon63: It's a huge improvement, she did a really good...
Bianca Golden6410 viewsPhoto: Lionel Deluy35 comments04/30/08 at 10:32jon63: It's really mediocre
Bianca Golden6489 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith55 comments04/30/08 at 10:32jon63: She looks like a man
Bianca Golden5727 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal41 comments04/30/08 at 10:31jon63: Really bad.............
Ebony Morgan7811 viewsPhoto: Fredric Reshew76 comments04/30/08 at 10:28jon63: I agree Epochalypse, but i think she could at leas...
Ebony Morgan11572 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal120 comments04/30/08 at 10:26jon63: THIS IS GOURGEUS!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the best photo...
Ebony Morgan10028 viewsPhoto: Lionel Deluy59 comments04/30/08 at 10:26jon63: Yeah, this picture is quite good, but if she didn&...
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