Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Jaslene Gonzalez3326 viewsPhoto: Jordan Doner
For: Seventeen, July 2007
37 comments05/02/08 at 21:42ineedamodelchick: her metrostyle pics were very commercial..and they...
A.J. Stewart8366 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith58 comments05/02/08 at 21:09steagle: Eugena's was definitly worse then this and how...
Marvita Washington2525 views8 comments05/02/08 at 21:05steagle: actually sion just has it switched hoochie pose an...
Chantal Jones12243 views127 comments05/02/08 at 21:03steagle: agreed epoch, clearly the second best makeover pho...
Chantal Jones14401 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal75 comments05/02/08 at 21:02steagle: alittle less mens magazine and alittle more gargoy...
Saleisha Stowers9636 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith90 comments05/02/08 at 21:02ineedamodelchick: well.. as always though, it must be considered tha...
Chantal Jones14316 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana146 comments05/02/08 at 21:01steagle: only thing i dont like about this is the reflected...
Chantal Jones13522 viewsPhoto: Jim De Yonker131 comments05/02/08 at 21:00steagle: despite her little mishap on the runway i think Ch...
Saleisha Stowers9636 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith90 comments05/02/08 at 20:56steagle: i dont agree with her going that far back but this...
Saleisha Stowers9636 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith90 comments05/02/08 at 19:18duckiies: Yeah, except this "risk" ruined the enti...
Saleisha Stowers7006 views65 comments05/02/08 at 19:15duckiies: Tyra picked her because she knew her previously. I...
Chantal Jones14771 viewsPhoto: Lionel Deluy117 comments05/02/08 at 19:14duckiies: I understand that of course. I was just saying tha...
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