Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Atalya Slater1533 viewsFor: Freetress Equal Weave9 comments05/03/08 at 13:10Emmily: She's just so Janet Jackson to me.....
Anya Kop9280 viewsPhoto: Russell Tanoue6 comments05/03/08 at 13:02Emmily: I don't really like the mouth and the nose..
Anya Kop9002 viewsPhoto: Russell Tanoue9 comments05/03/08 at 12:59Emmily: Oh, i just wanna eat her! Very Happy
Anya Kop8899 viewsPhoto: Russell Tanoue19 comments05/03/08 at 12:48Emmily: I just loove that girl!
Katarzyna Dolinska15153 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks337 comments05/03/08 at 12:32Johnson: I love Katarzyna !! But Anya i like the most . Thi...
Chantal Jones13522 viewsPhoto: Jim De Yonker131 comments05/03/08 at 12:27xaxatun: Yup! Seleisha walked great....she had an experienc...
Allison Kuehn1156 views2 comments05/03/08 at 12:26Emmily: Her leg looks too big..
Allison Kuehn1252 views10 comments05/03/08 at 12:24Emmily: Idiotic facial expression
Cycle Nine Group8000 viewsMila Bouzinova, Kimberly Leemans, Lisa Jackson, Ambreal Williams, Heather Kuzmich, Chantal Jones, Victoria Marshman, Bianca Golden, Ebony Morgan, Saleisha Stowers, Sarah Hartshorne, Jenah Doucette, Janet Mills47 comments05/03/08 at 12:09ineedamodelchick: i luv ebony! anyone else notice the crazy shoes in...
Allison Kuehn1509 viewsPhoto: Anthony Tahlier8 comments05/03/08 at 12:02Emmily: Here she doesn't even look like herself! I kin...
Chantal Jones13522 viewsPhoto: Jim De Yonker131 comments05/03/08 at 11:38ineedamodelchick: it must be stated that with or without the mishap ...
Anya Kop18146 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks81 comments05/03/08 at 11:11ineedamodelchick: she's ok.. i would never hate on her..(or anyb...
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