Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Katarzyna Dolinska12014 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana43 comments05/04/08 at 18:42Heartbeat_Rock: she's just standing there with her hand on a p...
Aimee Wright11720 viewsPhoto: Russell James115 comments05/04/08 at 18:40Heartbeat_Rock: arch your back, yell at the mic and tons of hand m...
A.J. Stewart8391 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne35 comments05/04/08 at 18:38Heartbeat_Rock: her nose is the only thing that bothers me from th...
Cycle Nine Group11322 viewsChantal Jones, Bianca Golden, Saleisha Stowers, Jenah Doucette

Photo: Tyra Banks
127 comments05/04/08 at 18:36Heartbeat_Rock: those eyes... Jenah's
Allison Kuehn1252 views10 comments05/04/08 at 18:27Heartbeat_Rock: hate the hair
Saleisha Stowers3786 viewsPhoto: Luis Aragon22 comments05/04/08 at 18:24Heartbeat_Rock: this shot... AMAZING! Shocked
Allison Kuehn1005 viewsPhoto: Amaris Granado6 comments05/04/08 at 18:23Heartbeat_Rock: huh? Shocked
A.J. Stewart8882 viewsPhoto: Oliver Bronson & Dylan Don34 comments05/04/08 at 18:22Heartbeat_Rock: I adore the face!!! It looks like she's having...
Natasha Galkina3868 views16 comments05/04/08 at 18:21Heartbeat_Rock: this doesn't look like Nata. It's so gorge...
Ebony Morgan10029 viewsPhoto: Lionel Deluy59 comments05/04/08 at 18:20Heartbeat_Rock: OOH GURL!!! the back ♥ but one of the arms look ...
Anya Kop16843 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana137 comments05/04/08 at 18:18Heartbeat_Rock: the boots make her legs look short and the skirt o...
Whitney Thompson15602 viewsPhoto: Peter Buckingham144 comments05/04/08 at 18:17Heartbeat_Rock: she looks drunk/high/sleepy/dead
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