Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Anya Kop28233 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker244 comments05/08/08 at 17:38165789309: I agree bazooka. It's too obvious that the jud...
Jaeda Young5374 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne43 comments05/08/08 at 17:37steagle: this photo is decent, nothing more nothing less
Megan Morris4676 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne55 comments05/08/08 at 17:35steagle: no Brooke's photo was decent, maybe called jus...
Anya Kop16520 views60 comments05/08/08 at 17:31steagle: take off the arms, neck and head and this would be...
CariDee English4178 viewsPhoto: Michael David Adams
For: Wedding Style
26 comments05/08/08 at 17:24steagle: agrees with xo, looks like it is for a weight lift...
Dominique Reighard7637 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal53 comments05/08/08 at 17:23steagle: the face is good everything else needs work
Dominique Reighard10032 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker90 comments05/08/08 at 17:20steagle: i dont agree with the judges sending her home, Fat...
CariDee English4881 viewsFor: CoverGirl17 comments05/08/08 at 17:06zachattack22293: what a beast Very Happy
CariDee English4178 viewsPhoto: Michael David Adams
For: Wedding Style
26 comments05/08/08 at 17:06zachattack22293: Dear Caridee, Marry me Cool plz
Dominique Reighard10032 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker90 comments05/08/08 at 17:04zachattack22293: F you guys, i love Dominique i was so sad when she...
Victoria Marshman8608 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith93 comments05/08/08 at 17:02Heartbeat_Rock: so much love for ms. V ♥
Saleisha Stowers13284 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks153 comments05/08/08 at 16:50steagle: no Lisa's Gargoyle, Lisa's Smoking, Jenah&...
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