Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Jaslene Gonzalez2991 viewsPhoto: Mizz Photo76 comments05/09/08 at 23:05steagle: jas this needs to stay as far away from your portf...
A.J. Stewart11662 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal43 comments05/09/08 at 23:05Lady_Ivanov: o.o Well, I say it beacuse she said after the elim...
Jaslene Gonzalez837 viewsFor: MetroStyle3 comments05/09/08 at 23:01steagle: she needs to pull her chin back some because it lo...
Jaeda Young4927 viewsPhoto: Patrik Giardino44 comments05/09/08 at 23:01Heartbeat_Rock: as a brick
Jaslene Gonzalez891 viewsFor: MetroStyle1 comments05/09/08 at 23:01steagle: wow so she can do commercial/gentle
Jaeda Young4927 viewsPhoto: Patrik Giardino44 comments05/09/08 at 23:00Lady_Ivanov: It's only me, or she looks stiff in this photo...
Jaslene Gonzalez1386 viewsFor: Hombre5 comments05/09/08 at 22:59steagle: Shocked omg janice is that you? Shocked
Jaslene Gonzalez2398 viewsPhoto: Harry Fellows
For: Bleu
18 comments05/09/08 at 22:58steagle: a good photo but i wish she had done something dif...
Jaslene Gonzalez1778 viewsPhoto: Howard Huang
For: Lot 29
9 comments05/09/08 at 22:57steagle: this is definitly worth more than a 1.4, i would s...
Jaslene Gonzalez1622 viewsPhoto: David Anthony
For: Chicago Scene, May 2008
8 comments05/09/08 at 22:55Heartbeat_Rock: she's rocking it! love the colors
Bianca Golden2269 viewsFor: Destination Runway8 comments05/09/08 at 22:54zib: she wouldve had a great cg shot, but she didn'...
Bianca Golden4025 viewsPhoto: Michael William-Paul
For: Style Bermuda
19 comments05/09/08 at 22:53zib: they're not really saggy, but like flat and pa...
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