Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Eugena Washington8396 viewsPhoto: Jim DeYonker99 comments05/17/08 at 19:24Unique_Lola1238: The picture is stunning melroses picture stunk jus...
Allison Kuehn1878 views5 comments05/17/08 at 19:20Unique_Lola1238: i dont under stand it
its very strange
Saleisha Stowers10331 viewsPhoto: Fredric Reshew96 comments05/17/08 at 19:14Ohmygosh: It's awesome and very edgy. She improved so mu...
Brittany Hatch21065 viewsPhoto: Joseph Cultice158 comments05/17/08 at 18:59Dharren: Perfect shot. #1. Best of ANTM. No question abo...
Natasha Galkina11044 viewsPhoto: Kane Skennar57 comments05/17/08 at 18:58Dharren: If only she smiled a little, or did something not-...
Natasha Galkina12237 viewsPhoto: Kareem Black55 comments05/17/08 at 18:57Dharren: Love this photo. Does it remind anyone of Mandy M...
Natasha Galkina17191 viewsPhoto: Michael Omm83 comments05/17/08 at 18:56Dharren: One of the best shots all cycle. Gorgeous blue ey...
Whitney Thompson17014 views88 comments05/17/08 at 18:52Dharren: Tyra looks like a ghost/shadow... Whitney looks g...
Whitney Thompson18190 viewsPhoto: Jim De Yonker249 comments05/17/08 at 18:49Dharren: It's a good shot. Something's up with her...
Amanda Babin4532 views21 comments05/17/08 at 18:45Catherine_Thomas: Her left leg is doing the twisty thingy again, lik...
Stacy Ann Fequiere5063 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana33 comments05/17/08 at 18:44Dharren: The way her head is sticking out of her neck is fr...
Stacy Ann Fequiere5358 viewsPhoto: George Holz34 comments05/17/08 at 18:42Dharren: It almost looks like she lacks a lower body and is...
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