Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Cycle Ten Group9846 viewsAllison Kuehn, Lauren Utter, Amis Jenkins, Dominique Reighard, Aimee Wright, Fatima Siad, Anya Kop, Marvita Washington, Claire Unabia, Katarzyna Dolinska, Whitney Thompson, Stacy Ann Fequiere, Atalya Slater, Kimberly Rydzewski63 comments05/18/08 at 12:54bornnnyc123: anya looks best here in my opinion
Katarzyna Dolinska6926 views8 comments05/18/08 at 12:53bornnnyc123: bad lighting on her gorgeous face
Aimee Wright14539 viewsPhoto: Peter Buckingham111 comments05/18/08 at 12:52bornnnyc123: tooo stiff
Aimee Wright9793 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana39 comments05/18/08 at 12:52bornnnyc123: no motion at all
Katarzyna Dolinska17931 viewsPhoto: Peter Buckingham124 comments05/18/08 at 12:51bornnnyc123: she looks great but I don't like the pepperoni...
Katarzyna Dolinska12862 views53 comments05/18/08 at 12:49bornnnyc123: the bottom looks diaper-y, it's just not a goo...
Stacy Ann Fequiere5358 viewsPhoto: George Holz34 comments05/18/08 at 12:48bornnnyc123: the neck should be extended more
Stacy Ann Fequiere5063 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana33 comments05/18/08 at 12:47bornnnyc123: a little too hip hop but it's my 2nd fave shot...
Whitney Thompson18190 viewsPhoto: Jim De Yonker249 comments05/18/08 at 12:47bornnnyc123: the mouth shape bothers me but she still looks lov...
Whitney Thompson17014 views88 comments05/18/08 at 12:46bornnnyc123: no hairstonh dani's was a full body
Natasha Galkina17191 viewsPhoto: Michael Omm83 comments05/18/08 at 12:45bornnnyc123: I'm not loving it, something doesn't work ...
Natasha Galkina12237 viewsPhoto: Kareem Black55 comments05/18/08 at 12:44bornnnyc123: I'm not a fan of happy/sexy but the other two ...
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