Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Melrose Bickerstaff10630 viewsPhoto: Randee St. Nicholas55 comments05/18/08 at 15:30coldgreenwater: SHE IS THE BEST CONTESTANT EVER! SHE HAD AWSOME SH...
Whitney Thompson17543 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal157 comments05/18/08 at 15:25coldgreenwater: I HATE the imagination of a foetus that big!!!
Saleisha Stowers7225 views46 comments05/18/08 at 15:21Dharren: lumpy muscle legs. ew! Not attractive.
Saleisha Stowers13285 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks153 comments05/18/08 at 15:16Dharren: Good pose. Bad face. And can she really jump that...
Saleisha Stowers9366 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal96 comments05/18/08 at 15:14Dharren: How is this Gargoyle-like!? Nigel said she's ...
Amanda Babin9169 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith28 comments05/18/08 at 14:47unknown: i have to disagree with you mrbam. i think that bl...
Anya Kop17425 viewsPhoto: Jim De Yonker171 comments05/18/08 at 13:14165789309: Yeah xaxatun, she does look better. Not that it wo...
Whitney Thompson17238 views76 comments05/18/08 at 12:59bornnnyc123: yah and kata's was pretty bad too, I feel like...
Claire Unabia7036 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal61 comments05/18/08 at 12:58bornnnyc123: nah stacey had the weakest portfolio and her shot ...
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz176 comments05/18/08 at 12:57bornnnyc123: the expression and leg are bad too
Katarzyna Dolinska12015 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana43 comments05/18/08 at 12:57bornnnyc123: she did well on a terrible shoot
Allison Kuehn1228 views7 comments05/18/08 at 12:56bornnnyc123: slightly more expression goes a long way w/ her
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