Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Melrose Bickerstaff8117 views56 comments05/19/08 at 18:12bornnnyc123: are you kidding? Compared to robyn, ebony, camille...
Saleisha Stowers8367 views68 comments05/19/08 at 18:12ineedamodelchick: unknown.. thanks for joining my crusade^^ why are ...
Melrose Bickerstaff11169 viewsPhoto: Charlie Altuna56 comments05/19/08 at 18:09bornnnyc123: one of the best shots ever
Melrose Bickerstaff10111 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith62 comments05/19/08 at 18:09bornnnyc123: gorgeous on the right, she owned this
Saleisha Stowers8367 views68 comments05/19/08 at 18:09bornnnyc123: really? I thought the cut was horrid, I liked her ...
Claire Unabia6575 viewsPhoto: George Holz63 comments05/19/08 at 18:08bornnnyc123: she had better shots
Jenah Doucette6921 views20 comments05/19/08 at 18:07bornnnyc123: I love her features
Claire Unabia6257 views82 comments05/19/08 at 18:06bornnnyc123: with a diff outfit this would be stunning
Fatima Siad16920 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal267 comments05/19/08 at 18:05bornnnyc123: lovely, a really gorgeous shot
Cycle Ten Group9019 viewsMarvita Washington, Allison Kuehn, Aimee Wright, Lauren Utter, Dominique Reighard, Amis Jenkins, Atalya Slater, Anya Kop, Kimberly Rydzewski, Fatima Siad, Katarzyna Dolinska, Stacy Ann Fequiere, Whitney Thompson, Claire Unabia

Photo: Jim De Yonker
64 comments05/19/08 at 18:05bornnnyc123: KAT, ANYA, Fatima, and Lauren are the best here
Whitney Cunningham1348 viewsPhoto: Ben Rowland
For: IMT Styles, December/January 2008
11 comments05/19/08 at 18:04Heartbeat_Rock: no neck monster
Eugena Washington6685 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal34 comments05/19/08 at 18:02bornnnyc123: improvement............. Razz I don't get what&#...
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