Photos of every ANTM contestant!
Last comments
Whitney Thompson10996 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker
For: Seventeen, July 2008
140 comments05/20/08 at 05:47longtimefan: This is a little stiff, but she looks great.
Lisa Jackson998 viewsPhoto: Janira Martinez7 comments05/20/08 at 05:44longtimefan: Lisa, is just gorgeous!
Amis Jenkins5816 views30 comments05/20/08 at 00:06Heartbeat_Rock: me too Crying or Very sad Sad
Whitney Thompson10726 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker
For: Seventeen, July 2008
75 comments05/20/08 at 00:05Tailor Made: I would buy bacon if i were to see this magazine
Amis Jenkins8606 views219 comments05/19/08 at 23:38165789309: This probably took about 1,000 frames. Lol. Not th...
Amis Jenkins5816 views30 comments05/19/08 at 23:35165789309: This is actually cool. I thought she would be very...
Melrose Bickerstaff8117 views56 comments05/19/08 at 23:34Heartbeat_Rock: Ann? Shocked
Amis Jenkins2604 views13 comments05/19/08 at 23:33165789309: This is probably her best shot.... LOL! Wait...nev...
Amis Jenkins4965 viewsPhoto: Natalie Buzzelli10 comments05/19/08 at 23:33165789309: OMG! She's such a model JOKE! I'm sorry bu...
Victoria Marshman7849 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal88 comments05/19/08 at 23:32Heartbeat_Rock: she has some sort of classical beauty, like I coul...
Anya Kop4659 viewsPhoto: Russell Tanoue13 comments05/19/08 at 23:31165789309: This truly is gorgeous. And her eyes are blue; it ...
Jaslene Gonzalez1660 viewsFor: ZooZoom, March 2008
Photo: Brian Edwards
11 comments05/19/08 at 23:29Heartbeat_Rock: genius
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