Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Brooke Staricha6766 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester53 comments05/20/08 at 22:26bornnnyc123: it's quite interesting actually
Brooke Staricha7204 viewsPhoto: Richard Reinsdorf76 comments05/20/08 at 22:25bornnnyc123: I don't like the lipstick here
Michelle Babin11373 viewsPhoto: Oliver Bronson & Dylan Don50 comments05/20/08 at 22:25bornnnyc123: yah I just noticed the guy
Whitney Thompson11604 views114 comments05/20/08 at 22:25ChartreusePony: ^ I'm not buying it either. Oh, Whitney, it mu...
Brooke Miller6891 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne36 comments05/20/08 at 22:24bornnnyc123: but she's not trying to look innocent, it'...
Marvita Washington5599 viewsPhoto: George Holz48 comments05/20/08 at 22:24bornnnyc123: she got worse after this though
Cycle Nine Group11325 viewsChantal Jones, Bianca Golden, Saleisha Stowers, Jenah Doucette

Photo: Tyra Banks
127 comments05/20/08 at 22:23bornnnyc123: I loved jenah's too, and the judges said first...
Brooke Staricha7687 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana52 comments05/20/08 at 22:22mrbam: Gorgeous,sexy and soulful.I wish she would've ...
Cycle Seven Group9817 viewsCariDee English, Amanda Babin

Photo: David Ruiz
71 comments05/20/08 at 22:22bornnnyc123: My fave was melrose because she had the most motio...
Michelle Babin11228 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne96 comments05/20/08 at 22:21bornnnyc123: this is gorgeous
Brittany Hatch16015 viewsPhoto: Michael Omm115 comments05/20/08 at 22:21bornnnyc123: tyra didn't take these ones.........
Anchal Joseph6680 viewsPhoto: Patrik Giardino59 comments05/20/08 at 22:20bornnnyc123: I disagree, melrose proved herself modeling-wise a...
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