Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Fatima Siad11453 views75 comments05/21/08 at 14:52: Best makeover shot. Too bad she took the weave out...
Fatima Siad7852 viewsPhoto: Sarah McColgan57 comments05/21/08 at 14:50: It does look like she's acting. I like the sho...
Fatima Siad6790 views62 comments05/21/08 at 14:49: She already looks like a model. Her legs look big ...
Dominique Reighard10032 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker90 comments05/21/08 at 14:48: She's so scary. This should be the cover of Th...
Dominique Reighard12140 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks86 comments05/21/08 at 14:46: Damn girl! Too bad you had to show us a great shot...
Dominique Reighard7638 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal53 comments05/21/08 at 14:45: She looks like she's having a wet dream. I sor...
Dominique Reighard7860 viewsPhoto: Russell James47 comments05/21/08 at 14:45: Where the hell did her neck go? I don't like i...
Dominique Reighard10181 viewsPhoto: Peter Buckingham75 comments05/21/08 at 14:43: She looks better when she has a soft expression. I...
Dominique Reighard6445 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana36 comments05/21/08 at 14:43: Maybe if she was actueally sitting this shot would...
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz176 comments05/21/08 at 14:41: She looks like she "chillin" more than m...
Dominique Reighard6891 views37 comments05/21/08 at 14:40: I love this shot. Her fierce face actueally works ...
Dominique Reighard5879 viewsPhoto: Sarah McColgan38 comments05/21/08 at 14:38: Meh, her nose looks huge. She looks like she's...
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