Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Jade Cole7703 viewsPhoto: Jaturong Kirankarn35 comments05/21/08 at 22:07vanillalatte4: it was nice to see her soft..i love this shot
Jade Cole4450 viewsPhoto: Jay Lawrence Goldman21 comments05/21/08 at 22:06unknown: impressive for no retouching
Gina Choe5143 views22 comments05/21/08 at 22:06mrbam: I agree,she looks very modelesque and sexy.Too bad...
Gina Choe7296 viewsPhoto: Thomas Klementsson64 comments05/21/08 at 22:05vanillalatte4: its sad..she was gorgeous, she just lost it. Cheek...
Jade Cole7062 viewsPhoto: Jim De Yonker48 comments05/21/08 at 22:04ChartreusePony: She looks like a multi-racial, older Shirley Templ...
Gina Choe5691 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester33 comments05/21/08 at 22:04vanillalatte4: agreed
Jade Cole8533 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester33 comments05/21/08 at 22:03mrbam: I hated her but this is so eerily good.One of the ...
Furonda Brasfield7463 viewsPhoto: Thomas Klementsson34 comments05/21/08 at 22:02vanillalatte4: fabulous, and the male modell..WHEW! Shocked
Jade Cole7046 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester40 comments05/21/08 at 22:01vanillalatte4: yaya wannabe
Gina Choe7296 viewsPhoto: Thomas Klementsson64 comments05/21/08 at 21:51Sophie: Now I think that's fierce....
Gina Choe6973 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne56 comments05/21/08 at 21:50Sophie: She looks much older than she is, imo.
Gina Choe5560 viewsPhoto: Richard Reinsdorf36 comments05/21/08 at 21:49Sophie: Her cheekbones look lovely...
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